
Born with the name William Sheehan on March 19, 1953 in New York, Billy began his musical career by learning to play guitar. But when he saw the appearance of Tim Bogert of Vanilla Fudge, he decided the bass is the choice.

Billy's playing style is heavily influenced by Tim Bogert, Cliff Burton and even Sebastian Bach, but he thought Jimi Hendrix was a source of inspiration.

Billy did not just play the bass in the normal way, he also uses the chords and two handed tapping technique as used by the guitarist.

In addition to playing in Mr.. Big, Billy is also a lot of playing with other musicians such as David Lee Roth, Steve Vai, and UFOs.

Interrupted his work to write a textbook play bass and bass event clinicnya, Billy still had released two solo albums titled Compression and Cosmic Troubadour.

Billy also had a guide seminar at the Berklee College of Music.

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