The Beatles

music zone 17
The Beatles are one of the earliest rock groups as well as the most influential in the modern era. Member John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, most of their songs were written by Lennon and McCartney. Their popularity is so high in the United Kingdom so that in 1963 the press spawned the term "Beatlemania". They also later success in the United States and worldwide.

Formed in Liverpool in 1959 with the formation of the early John Lennon (vocals, guitar), Paul McCartney (vocals, guitar), George Harrison (vocals, guitar), Stuart Sutcliffe (bass) and Pete Best (drums). But soon after Stuart Sutcliffe resigned (moved to Germany and married Astrid Kircherr and died there in 1962 due to bleeding in the brain). Then in 1962 Pete Best was leaving the Beatles, and was replaced by Richard Starkey, aka Ringo Starr.

Manager of The Beatles, Brian Eipstein, first encountered through the many requests buyer Beatles LPs in music store. The first time Brian tried to offer Beatles to Decca Records, major label record company at that time. Auditions can be obtained, only Decca management believes that the guitar music is past tenarnya. Although the four young men to be broke, Brian finally able to get an audition for them at a record label, Parlophone, which in essence is a record company to broadcast radio. George Martin, Parlophone manager, agreed, and began recording for the Beatles' first album, titled "Please Please Me". The song Please Please Me and Love Me Do is a mainstay for the album.

The Beatles was originally called The Quarrymen in 1957. Quarrymen skiffle was a band (band using household tools, who was a trend in Liverpool) consisting of Lennon and his friends at Quarry Bank Grammar School. On July 6, 1957, the Quarrymen perform at a church ceremony at the Church of St. John, Woolton. In this event Lennon first met Paul McCartney, who was watching the appearance Quarrymen. McCartney was greatly impressed by the appearance of the band, and then went to the Quarrymen at the back of the stage, accompanied by his friend Ivan Vaughan who was also Lennon's friend.

Shortly later, McCartney joined the Quarrymen. Lennon and McCartney became very close, and often seen together. Both are involved in the sense of 'kinship' as they both lost their mother in her youth. McCartney also lost her mother to cancer when she was 15 years old. Lennon and McCartney began writing songs together or individually. One of the songs produced at these times is 'Hello Little Girl' which later became hits by The Fourmost in the 60s.

Later, McCartney introduced his friend, George Harrison, a year younger thereof to Lennon. Harrison is good at playing the guitar too eager to join the Quarrymen. Lennon, who initially objected because Harrison was considered too young, eventually agreed after persuaded McCartney. Joining Harrison followed by Stuart Sutcliffe, a friend of Lennon in the School of Art, which became the base. Sutcliffe could not actually play bass, but Lennon insisted to invite him to participate with the Quarrymen. Quarrymen first record their voices in the song "That'll be the Day", Buddy Holly song, and "In Spite of All the Danger", an instrumental written by McCartney and Harrison. Both songs, along with songs that have not previously released, then officially released in 1994, through the album The Beatles Anthology.

Quarrymen his way several times to change the name, and personnel-personnel come and go. The band was later named 'The Beatles', a name that supposedly invented by Lennon. Allan Williams became their manager, and in 1960 he succeeded in obtaining a contract with a club in Hamburg. The band also went to Hamburg, consisting of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best. Best was their drummer at the time. In Hamburg, the Beatles performed every night in nightclubs, dirty, and live like a musician in a small inn nearby. But then they were deported from Hamburg, because George Harrison was underage to work there.

Upon his return to Liverpool, they performed at the Cavern Club. In this club the Beatles became famous in Liverpool, each show they are always crowded and the queue length. But soon, in the latter part of 1961, the Beatles returned to Hamburg and recorded 'My Bonnie "with Tony Sheridan. Stuart Sutcliffe chose to stay in Hamburg with his girlfriend, Astrid Kircherr, when The Beatles would return to Liverpool. So McCartney took over bass. A few months later Sutcliffe died in Hamburg because of brain disorders.

The Beatles returned to the show regularly at the Cavern Club. In this club, in November 1961, Brian Epstein for the first time witnessed the appearance of this band. Epstein is the owner of a music store North End Music Store (NEMS) in Liverpool, who knew the Beatles as a customer ask for recorded 'My Bonnie' which the band recorded with Tony Sheridan. Epstein was fascinated by the appearance of The Beatles, and later became manager of the band. Epstein offers a demo tape of The Beatles to the recording studios, and repeatedly rejected, as at Decca Records.

Finally, the Beatles received at Parlophone Records, a label which is under the supervision of EMI, with producer George Martin. Terms given Martin is replacing their drummer, Best, which is considered less competent. Best was later replaced by Ringo Starr (real name Richard Starkey), drummer from Liverpool who previously joined Rory Storm & the Hurricanes. The Beatles launched the single 'Love Me Do' which debuted at number 17 on the UK charts. Their second single, 'Please Please Me', became their first single to reach the top ranking on the charts.
This success continues. Almost all of their singles reached the top ranking in the UK charts, but 'I Want to Hold Your Hand' in 1964 is the first single which managed to penetrate the United States music industry, once initiated what is called 'British Invasion'. Since then this is the music of the Beatles are scattered around the world, to succeed everywhere, famous in every corner. Their concerts are always packed with fans who are very fanatical, who chased the band wherever they go. Shouting to make Beatles fans can not even hear their own voice on stage.

In 1966, the Beatles finally decided to stop the concert. Besides being so noisy audience that their music becomes inaudible, the music of The Beatles also had a highly developed so that can not be played directly with the technology of that era live performances. This decision is addressed extensively in the world, who doubted the band's continuation. But the answer to the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967, which is still recognized many circles as one of the best albums of all time.

After Epstein's death in 1967, Lennon was the one who is not happy about the actions McCartney, who took over leadership of the band. He hates the projects led by McCartney, as the film Magical Mystery Tour and Let It Be. Lennon also became the first person to break the agreement early Beatles, that is to not bring their wives and girlfriends in the process of recording, with Yoko Ono in the process of making the album White Album in 1968. Lennon also among the first states to get out of the Beatles.

After the band broke up in 1970, the feud between Lennon and McCartney continues. One of them is upset because Lennon McCartney preceded him in declaring the dissolution of The Beatles. Lennon, Harrison and Starr also against McCartney in court in dissolving the band.

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